Saturday, September 6, 2014

Adopting Lady A

We were matched with a BirthMom in September of 2013.  We went thru her entire pregnancy with her and met with her. She seemed to be totally "in it" and seemed dissassociated with the baby (in her belly). Telling us it was "our baby", yada yada. We left feeling very optimistic. Then the day came! The day A was being born!!! We couldn't be more excited. We packed everything up and went to the hospitals, our families waited with us while BM was having c section. We waited and waited and waited. Then the nurse came out and grabbed our adoption specialist and we knew something was wrong. Our AS came up to us and told us our BM has changed her mind. I fell to the floor. My husband and I, along with our families just sobbed. Was the worst moment of my life. We left and tried to grieve. The 4 months following that were awful. We tried to grieve and move on but we couldn't. We packed up the nursery and closed the door.

Early August we got a call saying our BM has changed her mind, then she started asking for $$, which we weren't comfortable with as we went thru the pregnancy with her and left with empty hearts. At this point we literally gave it ALL to The Lord. We were praying for contenment for the two of us.
Then two weeks later we got a call from our attorney saying "BM is on the way to sign papers and bringing baby!", 2 hours later we got another call "BM signed papers, come get your baby!!!!" I fell over. I jumped out of the shower, called my husband and said "I'm going to get our baby!". It was a whirlwind of emotions and our lives have been changed ever since!
It's so funny Ben went to work that morning and that afternoon had a 4 month old baby! We are so in love with our fancy Ansley :)