Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New diagnosis

Went to the ophthomologist today and they Doctors said Ansley has cortical vision impairment (which we guessed due to LISS) as well as optic nerve hypoplasia (main problem).

Optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) is a congenital condition in which the optic nerve is underdeveloped (small) She has limited vision (she does see lights!), and we were referred to the Fl School for the Deaf&Blind for vision therapy. They aren't sure how much she will actually see as she grows. There currently is no treatment, just therapy to try and get nerve to strengthen. I left feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, got in the car and heard "all to Jesus I surrender". We are giving this ALL to HIM. Whatever the outcome he has a plan and purpose for Ansley's fancy life. 

This is the update I posted earlier on IG/FB. It is super scary. Along with the lissencephaly, microcephaly now dealing with vision impairment. Overwhelming is an understatement. A ton of questions going thru our heads. How will she develop? Are we equipped to handle this? Will she ever see us? So many questions. We do know that God is 100% in control. He has her life already planned out. He made NO mistake with her. She's perfect. His own image. :).

Please continue to pray. We need them! Please pray for her health. Please pray for her to grow and develop. Please pray for patience & guidance for us as we determine the best care plan for Ansley. We love you all and thank you for your prayers and love for our fancy girl!!! SPARKLE ON!


1 comment:

  1. Ansley is indeed fancy and she is so blessed to have you and your husband as parents!! Praying for y'all!!
